Geriatric Care


What we do

Caring about others, running the risk of feeling, and leaving an impact on people, brings happiness.

  • Harold Kushner

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What We Provide

Geriatric Care with Peace of Mind provides 

  • Acute and routine visits designed to meet the needs of seniors. 
  • We provide medical visits both at home and in nursing home and personal care/ assisted living care.
  • We enable Email, video or text access to your physician
  • We promote and encourage medication and treatment adherence, can implement joint injections, select Osteopathic treatments and select minor skin procedures.
  • We provide Advocacy, Navigation, Monitoring, and Education in all areas that our clients need.
  • We provide end of life care and support

The geriatric care offered by Peace of Mind provides you with a local partner that lets you and your family rest assured knowing you’re changing needs are being addressed.